The Federal Ombudsman in collaboration with all the relevant stakeholders has worked out a comprehensive strategy to raise countrywide awareness about cybercrimes against children among different strata of the society, its Commissioner for Children and Transgender Syeda Viquar un Nisa Hashmi said on Thursday.
Talking to APP, she said the plan of action on awareness-raising was chalked out by a sub-committee of a high-level task force, formed by the Federal Ombudsman at the end of last year to evolve a holistic plan of action to curb such offences by addressing systemic issues through short, medium and long term measures.
Viqaur un Nisa, who is also convener of the task force, said the initiative was aimed at equipping the masses in general and the key stakeholders from across the country in particular with tools and techniques needed for combating cybercrimes against children in an effective manner.
Explaining the awareness strategies, she said multiple detailed sessions would be arranged with parliamentarians, judiciary and police on the issue, while the masses would be sensitized through Mosques, Lady Health Workers and other means.
She said public service messages would be broadcasted at electronic, print and digital media for extensive sensitization of the citizens about the issues. The convener said the messages would be displayed at public places such as markets, police stations, hospitals, railways stations.
Sharing the strategic objective of the awareness campaign, Viquar un Nisa said it was meant to increase public awareness on the effects of IT on the abuse and exploitation of children forms of cybercrimes against children and imbibe skills in children so that they may protect themselves from being trapped.
Under the drive, she said the lawmakers would be encouraged to bring legal reforms on the issue, whereas initiatives would be taken for inclusion of the subject of cyber crimes against children in the schools syllabi.
The convener said all the national stakeholders including the public sector especially law enforcement agencies, private sector, civil society organizations, religious groups, media (electronic and print), educational institutions and international development partners would be mobilized to combat cybercrimes against children.