ISLAMABAD: President Mamnoon Hussein has stressed that the officers of NAB should be honest and impartial as honest administration and correct decisions should be most essential part of NAB.
Talking to Chairman NAB Honorable Justice Javed Iqbal at Aiwan-e-Sadr here, President lauded the performance of NAB and said the basis of eliminating corruption is to ensure equal treatment with all and action against the corrupt without any discrimination. Such actions could restore people’s confidence on institutions.
He said corruption could be eliminated by fulfilling the requirements of justice. The reservations of people and judiciary about NAB should be removed. The behavior of corruption elimination institutions and responsible officers must not impede the development activities in the country. Elimination of corruption and accountability is the part of our national agenda. All possible efforts should be made to restore people’s confidence on the institutions responsible for elimination of corruption.
He expressed the hope that NAB would avoid corruption and misuse of authority.
President said that Pakistan’s ranking has improved in corruption related indexes. NAB has played a significant role in improving the ranking of Pakistan in corruption index.
Chairman NAB Justice Javed Iqbal assured the president that NAB will continue indiscriminate action against corruption. Justice Javed presented the performance report of NAB to the President.
Published in Daily Times, April 11th 2018.