A training workshop was organized here at the University of Peshawar to raise awareness about growing violent extremism in the society and impart training to the participants on countering the menace.
A large number of participants, including university professors, research scholars, civil society members and clerics from all religious schools of thought, attended the first day of the two-day event held in collaboration with the Intentional Islamic University Islamabad at the Sahibzada Hall of the University of Peshawar.
Intentional Islamic University Islamabad Director Dr Zia, Ms Mussarrat Qadeem of Paiman Trust and Dr Suharwardi of Islamia College Peshawar in their lectures threw light on various aspects of violent extremism, its stages and the counter strategies, laying special focus on social and traditional implications of emerging roles of the faculty members and the civil society activists in peace building and countering extremism. The speakers suggested ways for countering extremism by discussing contemporary challenges facing the country and their solutions.
The speakers said that ‘Paigham-e-Pakistan’ initiative of the government of Pakistan was the best tool to deal with growing extremism and intolerance in the society and to encourage the youth towards positive and constructive activities. They said the basic objective of the initiative was to promote harmony and friendly relations between various segments of the society as well as different religious groups in the country.
Speakers at the conference stressed the need for a concerted effort to disseminate the message of Paigham-e-Pakistan initiative among all segments of the society across the country. They urged the participants of the conference to fulfill their human and religious obligation of promoting peace, tolerance, brotherhood and unity in the country.
Multiple workshops and programs have been conducted in the recent months in different universities and educational institutions across Pakistan to train faculty members on countering violent extremism and promoting Paigham-e-Pakistan initiative of the government of Pakistan.
The Islamic Research Institute (IRI) of the International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) has already established the Paigham-e-Pakistan Center for Peace, Reconciliation and Reconstruction Studies to conduct research studies on peace, reconciliation and reconstruction.
The government launched the Paigham-i-Pakistan project earlier this year in order to address the challenges posed by extremism and sectarianism through a national narrative which also portrayed a soft and positive image of Pakistan and highlighted Islam as a religion of peace, brotherhood, tolerance and harmony. The initiative was also endorsed by Imam-e-Kaaba and the Grand Mufti of Egypt.
Published in Daily Times, August 30th 2018.