ISLAMABAD: President Mamnoon Hussain Friday said that Pakistan’s desire for peace in the region should not be misconstrued as weakness and reminded India to peacefully resolve the longstanding issue of Kashmir in line with the UN resolutions by accepting the Kashmiris’ right of self-determination through a plebiscite.
Addressing a dignified ceremony organised to celebrate the Pakistan Day, the president said Pakistan stands for peace in the region. “We give a message of goodwill to those elements who are opposed to peace and stability,” he said.
Voicing his concerns over Indian violations on the Line of Control and the Working Boundary, gross human rights violations in the held Kashmir and its designs to amass arms, the president said New Delhi had put the regional peace at stake with its subversive tactics and irresponsible behaviour. He reminded India that it could not suppress the indigenous struggle of the Kashmiri people and called upon an immediate and peaceful resolution of the issue. “The only resolution to the issue is the implementation of UN resolutions and the right of self-determination by the people of Kashmir through a plebiscite,” he added.
The president noted that for national peace and prosperity, it was imperative that all kinds of outer aggression, hegemony, expansionism and interference into the affairs of others should be avoided. He also cautioned against exploitation, suppression of nations and interference in the internal affairs of other countries. “Pakistan is strictly abiding by the principle of non-interference and expects the world community to respect this principle,” he said. The global scenario has changed manifold and now countries cannot be coerced to toe line of one particular country, he added.
The global political system was no longer driven by one particular player so it was not possible to impose one’s whims on the world community to achieve one’s desired objectives, the president said. To impose one’s hegemonic designs on someone could jeopardize the global peace, he warned. “This era demands that one should move forward by subscribing to the principle of peaceful coexistence and keeping in consideration the legitimate interests of the others,” he added.
The president said Pakistan’ foreign policy revolves around endeavours for permanent peace in the world and is based upon non-interference into internal issues of other countries. He said Pakistan had been playing a vital role for the global peace and its armed forces were rendering commendable services from the UN platform for the world peace.
The president reiterated that Pakistan would continue to play its role for peaceful resolution of the Afghan issue. Pakistan had always played a historic role in the peaceful settlement of Afghan issue and for the stability of the Afghan government and would do the same in future with the help of friends and the stakeholders, he said.
The president said in the past three decades, developments in the region including wars had also affected Pakistan. Pakistan faced all these challenges by successful launch of Zarb-e-Azb and Raddul Fassad operations, in which the armed forces and the nation rendered immense sacrifices, he said, and announced commencement of Tamgha-e-Azm to pay tribute to the law enforcement agencies and the armed forces.
The president stressed upon continuation of efforts against terrorism so that the achievements made so far could be further solidified. The peace has been restored in the country and the economy is on the right path, he observed.
The president expressed his satisfaction that all the institutions in the country were fully functional and working within their constitutional domains. The democratically elected governments were completing their terms, he added. He said the brave officers and soldiers of the armed forces would continue playing their constitutional role for the protection and security of the country.
Referring to the observance of March 23, the president said there is no other significant day in the country’s history “as on this day in 1940, our forefathers decided to no longer endure the foreign subjugation and the bias of majority.” That determination paved the way for creation of a true democratic and social welfare state where no one would be exploited nor subjected to injustices, he said, adding the whole nation paid tribute to all those leaders who had made great sacrifices for the creation of the motherland.
The president especially mentioned presence of Sri Lankan president. He also thanked participation of the armed forces contingents from Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Jordan. He expressed the hope that Pakistan’s friendship with these countries would further enhance.
Published in Daily Times, March 24th 2018.