American Exceptionalism is an ideology that, USA is unique amongst the nations. If history, anthropology and geography are exceptions, therefore the intangibles of a nation are also exceptional. In egalitarian terms exceptionalism is not a very positive concept, it is when you are somewhat above the norms, laws and general principles of mutuality, then you are said to be exceptional. In a bee hive, only Queen is exceptional, rest of the hive eats honey, the queen eats royal jelly and term this as a great service and favor to the colony. USA is exceptional power, which dominates the world politics as an exception to rule, the eater of royal jelly. Off late a new phenomenon is taking place under which USA is fostering a surrogate to practice exceptionalism not only in regional politics, but also in global arena. This junior is India, and the theater is the nuclear Broadway now being practiced through the already well cut and carefully chiseled nuclear deals, multilateral export control regime, cartels, nuclear club, treaties and delineated nuclear related arrangements, welcome to the Indo-Us nuclear world.
2017, as the Chinese proverb says, is an interesting times for subcontinent.Four significant developments have absolutely changed the nuclear geometry of the region, one, finalization of nuclear triad by both India and Pakistan, which is also manifested by SLCMs (Submarine launched cruise missile) second, both achieved second strike capability, third, India joined wassenaar arrangement and fourth India is permitted a membership in MTCR (Missile technology control regime). 2017, is also important in the missile testing history of the world, India conducted 17 missiles test during the year(that too after signing MTCR). It is vividly clear that USA under the principle of exceptionalism is out posturing India to a level where in coming years India will be significant player of nuclear symmetry. Practicing nuclear expediency, US signed a civil nuclear deal with India in 2005. In 2008 India was given a waiver for all NSG (Nuclear supplier group) related aspirations. Pakistan all along, manifested minimum credible deterrence through a full spectrum approach, be it development of Babar-3 (SLCM), MIRV (multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle) or the other means of delivery. International nuclear architecture is based on many Kerb stones placed along the pavement to ward off the drivers at loose. Firstly there is NPT (Nuclear proliferation treaty). Secondly, drawing an analogy from NPT, there are four technological control regimes, nuclear supplier group, missile technology control regime, Australia group and wassenaar arrangement, thirdly the Zangger committee still has a direct bearing upon nuclear supplier group and has immense contribution in achieving the global non-proliferation architecture. Fourthly, the mutual; regional and international treaties create a cob web. Pakistan just after 1974 suggested the nuclear free zone for subcontinent. Pakistan is party to various international instruments like, IAEA code of conduct on safety and security of radioactive sources, the convention on physical protection of nuclear material, participation in IAEA incident and trafficking data base and global initiative to combat nuclear terrorism. Pakistan regularly submits reports to the UN Security Council 1540 committee.Despite all these doings the USA adapts the policy of supporting India and shaming Pakistan. In the AQ Khan nuclear trafficking scandal, people of 30 countries were directly involved but only Pakistan was blamed. There are reports that theft and trafficking takes place from Indian facilities, mysterious deaths of Indian scientists is also a pointer. On the other hand Pakistan’s record of nuclear safety is impeccable, it has a trained force of 20,000 who are deputed for nuclear security and safety.Not a single incident of intentional or accidental nuclear shenanigan has took place. American nuclear exceptionalism is again manifested recently when End user review committee of USA’s department of commerce added seven Pakistani private companies to the list of foreign entities for suspected nuclear trafficking. This has landed Pakistan into hot waters as this will seriously hamper Pakistan’s request to become part of nuclear supplier group. On the other hand, India is not only being openly supported, rather India has been made the member of MTCR and wassenaar arrangement to enhance its nuclear stature and rise in global supply chain of nuclear and related items. As china opposes the Indian entry to nuclear supplier group, but wants to be part of wassenaar arrangement and MTCR which are volunteer group and entry is made through a consensus vote, India on the other hand being member of both these will use it as a bargaining chip against China. China will be forced to allow India into nuclear supplier group or its entry into other two will be vetoed by India. Interestingly NPT was signed in 1968, Zangger committee was formed in 1971, India test fired a nuclear device in 1974, and as a reaction to India’s test, and NSG was formulated. A nuclear technology regime which was made to check the Indian nuclear ambitions not only gave a waiver to India as an exception but is also eager to take it as its member, what a comedy of errors. The dual use gap of NSG is being used as an excuse against Pakistan. Pakistan has never violated both the NSG guidelines and the list, including the dual use and the trigger list. The London club (NSG) andzangger committee differ in the scope of the same trigger and dual use list. It seems that as USA is maintaining a P-5-N-5 symmetry garnered by P-5 plus 1, the same way it is applying exceptionalism for a new set-up of N-5 plus 1 (in which plus 1 is India).
People say that like India, Pakistan should have also joined the MTCR. Recently a delegation of MTCR visited Pakistan and met Dr. Zafar Ali, the director general of strategic export control division. Again, there is an exceptionalism of a sort. Under a US policy on new members, those not recognized as nuclear weapon state will have to give up their ballistic missiles that exceed the 500 kilogram payload and 300 Km range. Interesting India, after becoming member of MTCR has tested missiles way beyond this payload and the range. Such a preferential treatment to India by USA in the realm of nuclear technology indicates that USA wants India to be a surrogate nuclear power for not only policing the region of greater Middle East but also the Asia pacific. Horizontal or vertical proliferation takes place only with the connivance of a club or cartel. This is the time for Pakistan to redefine its nuclear geometry from ambiguity to outreach by utilizing its diplomatic capital which can only be done by challenging the nuclear exceptionalism.
The writer is a freelancer who contributes regularly on security related issues. He is also a Ph.D scholar who can be reached at
Published in Daily Times, April 16th 2018.