Justice (retd) Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB chaired fortnightly meeting to review performance of NAB’s operation, prosecution and all regional bureaus of NAB at NAB Headquarters.
During the meeting, it was informed that Operation and Prosecution Divisions of NAB are working closely in order to have legal assistance to NAB’s Operations Division and all Regional Bureaus of NAB in conduct of complaint verifications, inquires, investigations as per law and laid down SOPs, pleading cases of NAB in Accountability Courts, High Courts and the Supreme Court of Pakistan as per law.
It was informed that NAB has rationalized its workload and timelines have been prescribed for efficient, effective and expeditious disposal of cases putting a maximum limit of 10 months – from complaint verification-to-inquiry-to-investigation and finally to a reference in the Accountability Court.
He said that NAB is the only organization which has prescribed a maximum time limit of 10 months for expeditious disposal of mega corruption white collar crime cases which is a challenging task but we are committed to beat the clock by putting hard work and ensuring corruption free Pakistan as per law.
He said that NAB has also introduced Combine Investigation Team (CIT) system in order to benefit from the experience and collective wisdom of senior supervisory officers.
This system is not only lending quality to the work but also ensuring that no single individual can influence the official proceedings of NAB. Due to this reason, NAB first time in a year filed 630 corruption references in respected Accountability courts and recovered Rs. 158 billion directly and indirectly from corrupt elements. The Chairman NAB directed all investigation officers to have a case diary of each case which is very important and will helpful them in improving the quality of inquiry and investigation as per law.
During the meeting, it was informed that on the directions of the Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB, Prosecution Division has been revamped by inducting experienced legal consultants/special prosecutors. A mechanism of handling of witnesses has been established in all the regional bureaus of NAB and the result of this intervention is very encouraging.
He said that due to constant deliberations, monitoring and performance analysis of Prosecution Division, the overall conviction ratio of NAB is approximately 70 percent in the respected Accountability Courts which is one of the best conviction ratio.
The Chairman NAB said that NAB is committed to nab corrupt elements, proclaimed offenders and absconders.
He said that in order to facilitate investigation officers and prosecutors in collection of relevant information for expeditious disposal of cases as per laid down rules/laws, NAB has established libraries at NAB Headquarters and all Regional Bureaus of NAB.
He said that has also established an E-Library at NAB Headquarters having more than 50, 000 electronic books related to Law Journals, yearly law reports and monthly law reports etc.
The Chairman NAB said that NAB has devised and implemented an effective MES in NAB in order to review its performance in qualitative and quantitative terms which has proved very successful in enhancing the performance of NAB including Regional Bureaus.