Lahore: The Northern Regional Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and CASA North organized its third CA Pakistan Student’s Conference North here in Lahore at local hotel.
The Conference “Conquer your Dreams, Be Limitless” was attended by more than 300 professionals from the fraternity of finance and business.
The CA Pakistan Student conference over the years has emerged as a strong platform where CA trainees, professionals in business, public sector and industry meet to explore, confront, thrash out solution to meet the challenges of CA students facing.
Jafar Husain, Vice President ICAP was the chief guest at the conference. He congratulated the Northern Regional Committee and CASA North on arranging such a beautiful event in very effective manner.
He talked about the improvement in quality of Institute and said ICAP became member of different international bodies.
The profession has stood the test of time, and career opportunities for Chartered Accountants are unfolding as corporations increasingly realize the importance of professional values, ethics and good governance, he further stated.
Iftikhar Taj Mian, council member ICAP spoke on importance of soft skills and goal settings. He stated that the setting goals are the most important thing students can do in their life.
Rana Usman Khan, council member ICAP gave the brief history of CASA and shared the experience of first CASA conference. He appreciated the initiative of Student’s conference.
Trainee students played a short skit on life of a chartered accountant. Skit showed a journey starting from entering into profession, completing CA Inter, starting article ship, life in a firm and finally becoming a chartered accountant.
Asad Feroze, Chairman NRC, talked about the importance of the work life integration. He stated that introducing flexibility in the form of work-life integration may appear daunting at first, but it is a great move forward for students.
A panel discussion by students took place and questions from audience were discussed.
At the end, Mr. Muhammad Awais, council member, talked about difference between working in a small firm vs big firm.
Farooq Wasi, FCA, gave a motivational talk on brightest stars. He said that the life is very unpredictable and full of difficulties. He gave tips on boosting of self-confidence and believing in oneself.
Mr. Max Babri, Ceo The Konsultants, talked about public speaking. He said being happy all the time may take a bit of work, as life has this funny habit of throwing lemons at you at the most inopportune time.
As we have mentioned though, happiness is a choice. You have the option to let those lemons topple you to the ground, or you could catch some, make a lemonade and get a profit out of it, he stated.
Ali Saif Cheema, Chairman CASA North, concluded the conference congratulating all the team for arranging such a successful event and thanked chief guest, speakers and participants.
The conference concluded on an appreciative note with the participants looking to the next conference to enrich their experience.
Published in Daily Times, October 27th 2018.