Tharparkar: In the last 13 years not a single child has cleared primary stage school in Goth Veri Bheel, Tharparkar.
Locals have appealed to the authorities to revamp the primary school in their village.
The population of goth Veri Bheel is around 700, out of which 250 are children, they want the basic right to education.
Children in the village are either working at home or extending a helping hand to their parents at the workplace.
Daily Times has learned that despite promises, villagers’ demand of building basic school infrastructure has not been fulfilled by their political representatives.
In Goth Veri Bheel, people have decided to vote for an individual who is ready to fulfill their agenda of education.
Ratan Bheel, a taxi driver, strives to resolve the issue of non availability of schools in the area and has arranged many gatherings with different social development sector activists to highlight the issue.
Juman Bheel, a villager shared that their elected representatives are not serious in resolving the issue.
Thar Education Alliance (TEA), a local organisation working for the betterment of education sector, has managed to make the local school operational again after thirteen years.