HYDERABAD: Representatives of civil society organisation and senior journalists on Wednesday demanded an effective local government system to address public issues.
The conference panel demanded that during a Consultation dialogue with CSOs and Media titled Issue Mapping and Key Challenges in Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) held by Sindh Community Foundation under Tabeer program.
The session was attended by notable speakers including Javed Soz of Sindh Community Foundation, Arfana Mallah of Women Action Forum, Mustafa Balosh of SPO, Wahid Sangrasi of Civil Society Support Program (CSSP), Shahnaz Sheedi of South Asia Partnership Pakistan and Razaq Umrani of HAND NGO.
A large number of journalist community, including senior journalists and president Hyderabad press club Khalid Chandio, Mahaish Kumar, Jan Khaskheli, Ishque Mangrio, Fahmeeda Jarwar, Nadia Lark of SAFWCO and Manzoor Abro represented Sindh Development Society and others took part in the consultative session.
Javed Hussain of Sindh Community Foundation said that Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a program of global commitment which is set to be achieved till 2030.
He further said that for the speedy implementation of the targets, SDGs need to be localised and inclusive participation of all local stakeholders is necessary. Without inclusive and capable public institutions these targets would not be achieved in the due time frame and for the successful implementation of these goals, political will is inevitable to speed up process of SDGs, he added.
President Hyderabad press club Khalid Chandio expressed his views that the prevalent local government system is unable to deliver to people because such system is running without being empowered legally. He added that, it was the prime responsibility of local government to deliver public service schemes and monitor them but ithas not successfully delivered the services.
Arfana Mallah said that the budget process is inefficient and just shows increase and decrease of figures. She emphasised spread of awareness among the citizens regarding budget and role of citizen. She said that a mammoth amount of local budget is utilised for unnecessary construction of city entrance gates in the main cities of the province. She said budget that the announcement of budgets give nothing to citizens. Moreover, tax ratio is also unjustified that is equally imposed on poor and rich people.
Mustafa Baloch said that Municipal corporations are financially destroyed due to stoppage of collection of the local revenue on goods-export taxes. He further said that budgetary process must be participatory and should include people perspectives.
Wahid Sangra said that last year budget for the establishment of safe houses for the victims of violence against women remain unspent, government should have monitoring system of budget utility because delay and non-utility of budget leave worst impact on the lives of people especially women, disable, children and labourers.
Razaq Umrani of HANDS said the stop to development schemes during the election process is not justified, while election is separate phenomena and public development schemes must not be stopped. The speakers further added that the budget is very easy process to understand but bureaucracy has made it difficult to understand for citizens this is the tactic tool to keep away citizens from the accountability process.
The speakers demanded fair and transparent budget making and utility process. They further demanded that the government offices in each district must disclose their budgets and its utilisation.
They said that modern budgeting development concepts need to be implemented. The people should be provided awareness. They also demanded increase in the budget for protection of minorities, women, people with disability, youth and labourers.
Moreover, awareness on the right to information is must among citizen to start citizen accountability on public services delivery and good governance, the meeting concluded.