KARACHI: Sindh cabinet has approved Sindh Occupational Safety and Health Bill. The bill is aimed at preventing incidents such as the Baldia factory fire that claimed 259 lives.
The decision was taken in the cabinet meeting headed by Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah at CM House.
The agenda of the cabinet meeting included: enactment of Sindh Occupational Safety & Health Act 2015; permission to carry out development activities in Thar Wildlife Sanctuary; Sindh Safe Blood Transfusion Act 2017; establishment of Sindh Institute of Traumatology, Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation (SITOR) Karachi; Sindh Non-formal Education and Alternative Learning Pathways (ALP) Policy; Sindh Press, Newspapers, News Agency and Books Registration Act 2017; Amendment in Section 144 of code of Criminal Procedure 1889; Sindh Livestock Registration and Trade Authority Bill 2017; Sindh Institute of Animal Health Bill 2017; and reconsideration of National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Laws.
The labour department presented ‘Sindh Occupational Safety & Health Bill 2015’ before the cabinet. The department presented its case for approval of the bill and said that the Sindh government had signed Joint Action Plan (JAP) to promote workplace safety and health and the co-signatories included the employer federation and ILO.
The chief minister said that it was an old bill prepared in 2015 but the labour department had failed to present it for approval by the cabinet. He said that it should have been approved and passed immediately after the incident of Baldia factory. “However, I would request the cabinet to approve the bill as it is an important law,” he said.
Under the proposed law: enhanced occupational safety & health management system, efficient and effective labour inspection mechanism and work related injuries/accidents compensation system (social protection) would be established. The cabinet approved the proposed law for presentation in the assembly.
During the meeting, the information department presented ‘The Sindh Press, Newspapers, News agencies and Books Registration Act 2017’ before the cabinet. The department remarked that after the abolition of concurrent list in the constitution, the subject of press was also devolved. The department proposed that four features namely: functioning of audit bureau of circulation, fixation of rates for the newspapers, formulation of media list and change of name/title to be incorporated in the proposed law. The cabinet discussed the draft law and approved it for presentation in the assembly.
The livestock department presented ‘Sindh Livestock Registration and Trade Authority
Bill 2017′ and ‘Sindh Institute of Animal Health Bill 2017’. Pleading its case, the department said that there was no system for livestock registration, tagging, identification and development of livestock products in place. Therefore, an authority had to be established to make livestock registration easier and in line with international standards for trade.
The department also suggested an upgrade to the existing Sindh Poultry Vaccine Centre, Karachi through ‘Sindh Institute of Animal Bill 2017’. The cabinet discussed both the draft bills and approved them.
The forest department presented a request for permission of exploration and production of oil and gas in Thar Wildlife Sanctuary. The cabinet approved the permission and directed the forest department to take the necessary measures for protection of wildlife.
Published in Daily Times, October 6th 2017.