LAHORE: International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA), Pakistan’s local council at Lahore Medical And Dental College ( LMDC), celebrated Word Cancer Day on Saturday.
This year’s global theme was ‘We can I can’, meaning taking steps towards cancer awareness and prevention.
The organisers of this event were, Mahnoor Mohydin, Hamza Tahir, Farzad Effan, Talha Mumtaz, Ayesha Gondal, Maria Nasir, Aisiya Mehmood, Ukasha Sohail, Ahsan Mumtaz, Daniyal Khalid, Farukh Zaman, Mahrukh Fayyaz, Saif Mian, Abdullah, Ajlal Rehman, Amash Sohail, Bin Sabhir.
The event started off with a talk by project coordinators. A basic introduction on the need for cancer awareness, cancer counselling and how to approach patients was briefed by the IFMSA President Mahnoor Mohydin.
The participants then visited the wards, including surgery and medicine (both male and female) where they spoke about cancer with the patients. In the gynaecology ward, participants were introduced to a patient with ovarian tumours and were briefed about the clinical aspects related to it.
In the pediatric wards, goodie bags and balloons, special message written on them, were distributed amongst children. Research activities were also conducted, where participants went to patients and surveyed their knowledge and awareness regarding the risk factors and causes of breast cancer.
In the end, feedback notes were taken from the participants and a chart was created, which had everyone’s finger prints as a testament that they will inspire action and bring change towards cancer prevention.