VIENNA: The 53-member United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) has unanimously adopted a Pakistan-sponsored resolution calling for curbing drug trafficking and related crimes.
The resolution was adopted on the occasion of 60th anniversary session of CND, and its theme was “Strengthening international cooperation to assist the states most affected by the illicit transit of drugs, especially developing countries, based on the principle of common and shared responsibility”. The resolution was co-sponsored by several countries including Algeria, Argentina, China, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Norway, Panama, Philippines, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey and United States. The resolution calls on the international community to enhance capacity-building assistance to such states including in the areas of countering illicit drug trafficking, drug law enforcement, criminal justice, border management, cross-border cooperation and countering illicit proceeds of drug-related crime. The resolution also provides for strengthening international l support to the most affected transit States in addressing the increasing use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances at domestic level. In this regard, the resolution puts emphasis on reinforcing drug use prevention programmes and expanding treatment and rehabilitation facilities, particularly for women and children. The Vienna-based UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs is the leading policy making entity on drug-related issues within the United Nations system. In 2015, Pakistan was re-elected as a member of the Commission for a four-year term from 2016-19.