The main problem preventing progression is that education continues to be a privilege. We see in our society that good and proper education is accessible to only those who are privileged enough or have the funds and resources for it, this is a norm within our society that only the elite class studies in private schools which charge exorbitant rates and while those who cannot afford it send their children to government schools. We need to realize that a proper education is a right of every individual, regardless of age, class or gender. It is this basic understanding which will remove certain unnecessary societal norms which hold back advancement. When more privileged begin to realize the need to take responsibility for education for all, a difference will be reached. Even if contributions are as simple as book donations they can create a magnanimous ripple effect.
Similarly, another problem which is necessary to tackle is uniformity in curriculum. While uniformity in all aspects cannot be reached to private public divide, proving every student with a level and up to date syllabus is possible. An ideal way to do this would be for the government to firm its own welfare printing press which would provide these up to date books to each school. In addition, workshops can be held to help teachers in underprivileged schools learn modern methods.
The youth of the nation can play an active part in contributing to the improvement of standard of education. Through community service, they can go to schools and volunteer to teach lower level classes. In addition, children of this age can help in skill development, for example public speaking and dramatics, areas which are often overlooked in underdeveloped schools. This practice will children, who come from underprivileged schools are just as groomed and possess the skills which those children have who study in developed schools. We live in a technology-oriented age and thus the basics of computing must be taught to children in order to avert troubles in professional life.
Another step, which albeit more difficult, is teaching of illiterate adults. However, they constitute a large portion of our society and must be paid attention to. Therefore, special training workshops can be set up for these adults in order to at least help educate them in basic steps such as reading and writing as well as mathematics. The hurdles of adult education are large, this only further emphasizes why we need to focus on proper education of children to ensure that each generation gets progressively more educated, and there are more skilled people ready to contribute to the development of society.
Improvement in education is undoubtedly the way ahead for Pakistan. It will help create both social and economic disparity. It will end class differences and by educating and providing the lower-class opportunities for better jobs the poverty cycle will also begin to deplete. Pakistan is currently facing problems such as child labor. A more educated class will eradicate such issues. As we move into an age of advancement and industrialization, a larger, more educated community will help Pakistan excel in development.