In the modern advanced era of technology, the battle for gaining votes is not confined to ask voters for vote through door to door campaign by politicians,but the campaign of politicians is being run using the modern means of communications with the voters as well. These days, social media plays an important role in convincing potential voters who to vote for. As an observer, we are still playing catch-up when it comes to measuring these conversations, but as they are becoming an increasingly important part of any holistic campaign or political strategy, we would be remiss if we did not attempt to measure them properly.
Advertising appeals in Pakistan’s general election (GE) 2018
A total of five advertising appeals identified for the July 2018 elections in Pakistan by major political parties. Rational appeal employs logical information and arguments in order to gain the support of the people.
- Firstly,fear appeal is workable to provoke concerns, anxieties, and apprehensions among voters. However, if the particular event takes place that signals them that how to abridge their fears by doing what is being recommended by the marketer of the contesting candidates. Thus, fear can be an effective motivator in the political marketing landscape.
- Secondly, hope appeals are designed to evoke feel-good responses. Hope appeals are especially relevant in the electoral scenario when there is a little perceived likelihood of a positive outcome for the society, as the political system in Pakistan is unable to deliver the much-coveted rewards of democracy. Hope pertains to the desire for a better situation than what currently exists, especially when discontentment with the present situation prevails.
- Thirdly, victim appeal is an old strategy in the Pakistan to attract voters to gain the sympathies of the voter for the ‘sacrifices’ made by them or their political leaders for political causes.
- Fourthly, appeals to the voters are made based on the past reminding voters about the achievements of the political party in the past and taking credit for their past accomplishments.
- Lastly, the appeals based on personality center around the charismatic leadership of the political party’s head. The personal attributes and holistic approach of leader of the party to convince the voters to choose him/her to the regime of the country.
Advertising manifestos used for electioneering in Pakistan’s general election (GE) 2018
A total of seven advertising themes emerge during campaign of general election (GE) 2018 run-off upon which political campaigns of the major political parties are being executed.
- The improvement in the economy, trade & energy sector are the loud slogans of political parties. This is because the country faces acute economic and social challenges and amelioration of social and economic indicators are the part manifesto of major political parties.
- Bringing good governance in the country is an other uphill voice of these parties for the improvement of public service management and the public resources, transparency of the public institutions and the rule of law.
- The infrastructure development and the construction of the roads, bridges, and transportation projects are also the main focus of parliamentary parties.
- The reforms in the agriculture sector through the introduction of farmer- friendly policies are the embedded in the manifestos of these major parties
- The social reforms theme focused on the welfare of the marginal social groups, for example, working class, laborers, and daily wage workers.
- The revolution & change theme challenged the existing power hubs from powerful elites and focused on shifting the nexus of power to the public.
- Lastly, , accountability theme, which is primarily derived from the fear appeal, held people directly responsible for undesirable consequences if they choose candidates other than endorsed by the political party will raise the