KARACHI: A protest demonstration was held outside the Karachi Press Club on Friday against the accountability bill recently passed by the Sindh Assembly.
People carrying banners and posters attended the protest organised by the Pasban-e-Pakistan. They raised slogans against politicians.
Addressing the event, Pasban Karachi chapter president Abdul Hakim Quaid said that the Sindh government and its lawmakers had been exposed through the passage of the bill. “This black law is against the dignity of the Sindh Assembly. It will be remembered as a blemish on the face of this otherwise august house. It is an open secret that the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) is the main patron of corruption in Pakistan. After the passage of this law, the party’s true face has fully been exposed. The only way to defeat corruption is by uniting and refusing to vote for such corrupt politicians,” he said.
He said that there were many lacunas in the original NAB Ordinance. “Its plea bargain mechanism is usually criticised. However, even then, it has tightened the noose around the corrupt. With the passing of this black law, the members of the Sindh Assembly have disrespected their august house as well as their own mandate. They have lost their moral right to sit in the assembly. According to local and international experts, Sindh is the most corrupt province of Pakistan, where the ruling party and corruption are considered synonymous,” he said.
“In Sindh, educated young women and men are wandering on the streets carrying their degrees as there are no jobs. There are no medicines and doctors in government hospitals and no teachers in government schools,” he said.
“There is no good governance here. Ghost employee are seen everywhere. Even the provincial government itself is a ghost as its powers are being exercised by elements that are not part of the government. It is high time the masses rose against the corrupt and defeated the corrupt parties in coming general elections,” he said.
Published in Daily Times, July 8th , 2017.